Marketing your Home Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Danielle Wilson

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Bring Some “BLING” to a Dated Home Through Virtual Staging, by Patricia Poohachoff

Are you looking at purchasing a “fixer upper”, but can’t see past a shag carpet, old kitchen, or that pink wall?  Are you trying to sell a dated property?  Do you have the time or resources to renovate your home to make it more desirable for potential buyers?  What do your photos in real estate […]

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Perception IS Reality in Real Estate

An interesting thing that I have noted after showing many different properties of all sizes, categories, and price ranges is that once a Buyer forms a perception of a property, that perception very quickly becomes reality.  Oftentimes, that reality is nearly impossible to shake, once formed.  It becomes etched in a Buyers mind, forever impacting […]

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