Buying a Dog Friendly Home - Danielle Wilson

Buying a Dog Friendly Home

Buying a dog friendly home has become top of mind for many dog loving enthusiasts, and it is a niche that I am particularly familiar with and enjoy working in.

Having 4 dogs of my own, and being active in a variety of dog sports and activities, I know first hand how important it is that your home fits not only your lifestyle and needs, but also those of your canine companions.

I work with many Buyers who when searching for a home have their dogs needs at the top of their home buying check list.  I am also beginning to notice many articles that affirm this as a new niche market in Real Estate.  It comes as absolutely no surprise to me!

Some of the criteria that make the Dog Friendly Home checklist are;

  • large and securely fenced yard with access to the yard from the back door
  • just say ‘no’ to chain link fence if there are neighbours with dogs, or a back lane, park etc..
  • stairs can be a consideration for elderly pets- and I have seen ramps installed outside to allow easier yard and home access
  • carpeting is alright- but no light colours and definitely no berber
  • laminate flooring can be quite slippery- not great for knees
  • extra room for dog crates
  • extra room for a training space
  • a walk in shower is a bonus:)
  • location is also important- homes on busy streets aren’t always ideal
  • corner lots can also be aggravating
  • proximity to dog classes, dog park, and work- so that you can zip home and let your dogs out at lunch

These are just some of the criteria that seem to frequently make the list for finding a dog friendly home.

What criteria are most important to you and your dogs?


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